18 research outputs found

    Legal compliance support with an ontology-based information system

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    The Internet and Information Systems evolution have dramatically increased the amount of information hold by governments and companies. This information can be very sensitive, specially regarding personal data, so governments and industries promote acts and guidelines in order to ensure privacy and data security. Thus, companies have to consider legal and Information Technology (IT) compliance. Nevertheless, compliance assessment is still a manual task performed by experts, but steps towards an automated compliance assessment, both in IT and legal, are in progress. In this paper we introduce the Neurona framework, a software application based on legal and security ontologies that aims at providing organizations with legal compliance support

    Service providers accountability

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    The goal of this paper is to guide through some obscure parts of the regulation and legislation related to technology. Even if we are not experts on security Internet, we will try to explain the difficulties that lawyers should be aware of when regulating rights and limits in the net. Some real cases related to service providers (ISP and others) are described and complemented with the technological context of each case

    Modeling expert knowledge in the mediation domain: a mediation core ontology

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    In this paper we introduce the Mediation Core Ontology (MCO), and the steps taken in order to model the expert knowledge on the mediation domain. MCO is created from scratch by eliciting practical knowledge from mediation experts to identify the basic working concepts of the domain. MCO offers initial support towards knowledge acquisition and reasoning and, in later steps, will serve as a general basis for the development of different mediation domain and sub-domain ontologies to be used by the ONTOMEDIA mediation platform, currently also under development

    Modeling expert knowledge in the mediation domain: a middle-out approach to design ODR ontologies

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    In this paper we describe the steps taken to model expert knowledge within the mediation domain as the basis for the design of the Mediation Core Ontology (MCO), of which we also offer a first outline of its present stage of development. MCO is created from scratch by eliciting practical knowledge from mediation experts to identify the basic working concepts of the domain. MCO offers initial support towards knowledge acquisition and reasoning and, in later steps, will serve as a general basis for the development of different mediation domain and sub-domain ontologies to be used by the ONTOMEDIA mediation platform, currently also under development

    Desenvolupament d'aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils

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    La finalitat d'aquest projecte és obtenir una visió global de la programació per dispositius mòbils i a més fer una avaluació del que podria costar (tant les eines com el reciclatge de programadors) a una empresa dedicada a TIC començar a implementar aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils. Amb un plantejament molt ampli al principi i reduït només a tres opcions (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile i Android), es desenvolupa una aplicació per aquests dispositius. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que a nivell econòmic les millors opcions són el desenvolupament per Android (gratuït) i per BlackBerry (20 dòlars). Però en canvi a nivell d'adaptació dels llenguatges de programació la opció de Windows Mobile és la que presenta menys obstacles per passar de coneixements de programació d'aplicacions de servidor o sobre taula (en entorn .NET) a dispositius mòbils.El objetivo de este proyecto es tener una visión global de la programación para dispositivos móviles y realizar una evaluación del coste (tanto de las herramientas como del reciclaje de programadores) que tendría desarrollar este tipo de aplicaciones para una empresa dedicada a las TIC. El planteamiento amplio inicialmente se tuvo que reducir a tres opciones (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile y Android), para las cuales se ha desarrollado una aplicación. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que económicamente las mejores opciones son el desarrollo para Android (gratuito) y para BlackBerry (20 dólares). Pero en cambio a nivel de adaptación de programadores de entornos de escritorio o servidores (en entorno .NET) a dispositivos móviles, Windows Mobile es el que presenta menos dificultades.The aim of this project is to obtain a global vision about programming oriented to mobile devices and to evaluate the different costs -the tool costs and the difficulties of adapting programmers from Desktop programs to mobile devices applications - for a company dedicated to IT. The broad initial objectives had to come down to three options (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Android), and we have developed an application for each. We show that the cheapest options are developing for Android (free) and BlackBerry (20 dollars). However the easiest one to adapt programmers who have experience programming desktop or server applications (in .NET environment) is Windows Mobile

    Diseño de "Double folded slot antenna" a 94 GHz

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    Desenvolupament d'aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils

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    La finalitat d’aquest projecte és obtenir una visió global de la programació per dispositius mòbils i a més fer una avaluació del que podria costar (tant les eines com el reciclatge de programadors) a una empresa dedicada a TIC començar a implementar aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils. Amb un plantejament molt ampli al principi i reduït només a tres opcions (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile i Android), es desenvolupa una aplicació per aquests dispositius. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que a nivell econòmic les millors opcions són el desenvolupament per Android (gratuït) i per BlackBerry (20).PeroˋencanvianivelldadaptacioˊdelsllenguatgesdeprogramacioˊlaopcioˊdeWindowsMobileeˊslaquepresentamenysobstaclesperpassardeconeixementsdeprogramacioˊdaplicacionsdeservidorosobretaula(enentorn.NET)adispositiusmoˋbils.Elobjetivodeesteproyectoestenerunavisioˊnglobaldelaprogramacioˊnparadispositivosmoˊvilesyrealizarunaevaluacioˊndelcoste(tantodelasherramientascomodelreciclajedeprogramadores)quetendrıˊadesarrollarestetipodeaplicacionesparaunaempresadedicadaalasTIC.Elplanteamientoamplioinicialmentesetuvoquereduciratresopciones(BlackBerry,WindowsMobileyAndroid),paralascualessehadesarrolladounaaplicacioˊn.LosresultadosobtenidosnosmuestranqueeconoˊmicamentelasmejoresopcionessoneldesarrolloparaAndroid(gratuito)yparaBlackBerry(20). Però en canvi a nivell d’adaptació dels llenguatges de programació la opció de Windows Mobile és la que presenta menys obstacles per passar de coneixements de programació d’aplicacions de servidor o sobre taula (en entorn .NET) a dispositius mòbils.El objetivo de este proyecto es tener una visión global de la programación para dispositivos móviles y realizar una evaluación del coste (tanto de las herramientas como del reciclaje de programadores) que tendría desarrollar este tipo de aplicaciones para una empresa dedicada a las TIC. El planteamiento amplio inicialmente se tuvo que reducir a tres opciones (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile y Android), para las cuales se ha desarrollado una aplicación. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que económicamente las mejores opciones son el desarrollo para Android (gratuito) y para BlackBerry (20). Pero en cambio a nivel de adaptación de programadores de entornos de escritorio o servidores (en entorno .NET) a dispositivos móviles, Windows Mobile es el que presenta menos dificultades.The aim of this project is to obtain a global vision about programming oriented to mobile devices and to evaluate the different costs –the tool costs and the difficulties of adapting programmers from Desktop programs to mobile devices applications – for a company dedicated to IT. The broad initial objectives had to come down to three options (BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Android), and we have developed an application for each. We show that the cheapest options are developing for Android (free) and BlackBerry (20$). However the easiest one to adapt programmers who have experience programming desktop or server applications (in .NET environment) is Windows Mobile

    Recent advances and challenges in food-borne allergen detection

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    [EN] Food allergy is reported as the commonest adverse reaction to food components, whose prevalence has increased in recent years. As food avoidance is mainly in practice the only way to prevent hypersensitive consumers from ingesting allergenic substances, it is imperative to provide complete and accurate in-formation on food ingredients. In this scenario, there is a need for precise, fast and cost-effective methods for the high-throughput screening of specific allergen content in food products. This work reviews recent approaches, existing kits for food-borne allergen detection and cutting-edge applications by focusing on the sensitivity, selectivity and applicability of current methods in food samples. In addition, the advantages, benefits and limitations of each approach are discussed to establish the most suitable methods and which challenges are to be addressed in forthcoming years from an analytical viewpoint. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work has been funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Spain (CTQ2016-75749-R, FEDER)Sena-Torralba, A.; Pallás-Tamarit, Y.; Morais, S.; Maquieira Catala, A. (2020). Recent advances and challenges in food-borne allergen detection. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 132:1-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trac.2020.116050S121132Bruijnzeel-Koomen, C., Ortolani, C., Aas, K., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Björkstén, B., Moneret-Vautrin, D., & Wüthrich, B. (1995). Adverse reactions to food. Allergy, 50(8), 623-635. doi:10.1111/j.1398-9995.1995.tb02579.xMontalto, M., Santoro, L., D’Onofrio, F., Curigliano, V., Gallo, A., Visca, D., … Gasbarrini, G. (2008). Adverse Reactions to Food: Allergies and Intolerances. Digestive Diseases, 26(2), 96-103. doi:10.1159/000116766Ortolani, C., & Pastorello, E. A. (2006). Food allergies and food intolerances. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology, 20(3), 467-483. doi:10.1016/j.bpg.2005.11.010Turnbull, J. L., Adams, H. 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